Invest Couple Financial Journey. In the beginning of 2015, we decided to have a couple goal! The 3-year goal is to save S$200,000.
Why $200,000?
1. Divide by 2 person: S$100K each.
2. Divide by 3 years: About S$34K each.
Annual Inflow and Outflow:
1. Inflow: Take-Home Pay is about S$50K (Annual Income is S$64K)
2. Outflow: Expenses are about S$10K including a holiday trip to Japan
3. Balance is S$40K (actually should be able to achieve S$120K in 3 years’ time)
Below is our financial road map.
In 2014, we graduated in December and we are on a student finance tuition loan of S$20K each. We were in tuition debt of $40K. Those college days we took up part-time and freelance jobs.
The tuition interest rate was at 4.75% and we decided to make a one-time payment.
In beginning of 2015, our net worth reset to S$0.
In 2015, we embarked our first career with each of us earned ~S$3.5K monthly. At the end of 2015, we had a total net worth of S$48K. This figure excludes retirement funds (CPF of S$45K).
In 2016, we already entered into the workforce for about 2 years. From S$52K in end 2015 to S$123K in end 2016.
Our Net Worth comprises of Cash and Investment.
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