Step 1. Help Google understand your website’s answer

People worldwide search Google for answers to their questions. When Google understand your content, Google will be able to present your website content as answers to more targeted audiences!

Read these two websites:



Work on these:

– Start tagging the components that make up your website. Every component is important in contributing to Google’s in-depth understanding of your content.


Step 2. Target to make your content even more structured and understandable

Super useful when a keyword search presentation format is competitive, finding new ‘real estate’ spaces to stand out among other business is crucial to new leads.

Read this website:

– (For local business)

Work on these:

– Copy the end result (JSON-LD format) from Step 1 into a text editor and add on the additional structures


Step 3. Publish the JSON-LD with your content, Validate content structure with Google

Remove no error as Google will see your website content as error/ wrong answer to questions too. Keep validating and correct your blog on every changes.

Work on this:

– Use to validate content structure

– Correct your JSON-LD, republish your content and check again

Repeat Step 1 to 3 for the rest of your content/ website pages, the main idea is to allow Google understand your content quicker so that your blog can provide instant useful answer to the people asking questions.

Google Structured Data Testing Tool

Google Structured Data Testing Tool

Bonus Step. Verify upward trend of your Optimisation effort

Work on these:


It is important you follow through your Search Engine Optimisation work after the initial implementation to keep error rate low and dissolve any bugs. Use the Google Search Console Webmaster tools to track search patterns of your newly structured data pages periodically for the best SEO results.

Final Tips: Ensure your content provides good Answer.


This article is also available at was first published on