There are a lot of convenient guo da li websites that you can purchase.

List of stores:

  1. Shuangxile
  2. Xi
  3. Ghye

Shuangxile package: $159.90

  1. Four Treasure 四宝礼品 
  2. 2 pairs of Dragon Phoenix Candles 双龙双凤蜡烛 
  3. 2 sets of 9.9ft Red Cloth 红彩两套 
  4. 2 boxes of Premium 5 Elements Seed 百年好合五谷 
  5. 6 Pig Trotter Cans 猪脚罐 
  6. 2 Wine Covers 酒瓶袋一对 
  7. 2 Prosperous Red Basket 红喜礼篮 
  8. Bride Price Red Packet 聘金喜包 
  9. Diaper Money Red Packet 洗屎喜包 
  10. Double Happiness Sticker

Managed to buy all items online via ezbuy except Four Treasure, red cloth, element seeds, 6 pig trotter cans and prosperous basket.

They also sell dowry package:

  1. Dowry Sewing Box Set 嫁妆锦绣针线
  2. Descendant Pail Set 子孙宝桶
  3. Dining Set 丰衣足食碗
  4. Teaset 孝心茶具
  5. Mug Set  夫妻对杯
  6. Prosperity Lamp  添丁灯
  7. 2 pairs of Wedding Couple Slipper 夫妻同鞋
  8. 2 pairs of Chopstick 龙凤喜筷
  9. Lady Fan 玉女扇
  10. Xi Face Towel Set 喜字面巾
  11. Mini 5 Element Seeds 五谷
  12. Charcoal 旺炭
  13. Premium Dowry Bag 嫁妆袋