There are a lot of convenient guo da li websites that you can purchase.
List of stores:
- Shuangxile
- Xi
- Ghye
Shuangxile package: $159.90
- Four Treasure 四宝礼品
- 2 pairs of Dragon Phoenix Candles 双龙双凤蜡烛
- 2 sets of 9.9ft Red Cloth 红彩两套
- 2 boxes of Premium 5 Elements Seed 百年好合五谷
- 6 Pig Trotter Cans 猪脚罐
- 2 Wine Covers 酒瓶袋一对
- 2 Prosperous Red Basket 红喜礼篮
- Bride Price Red Packet 聘金喜包
- Diaper Money Red Packet 洗屎喜包
- Double Happiness Sticker 双
Managed to buy all items online via ezbuy except Four Treasure, red cloth, element seeds, 6 pig trotter cans and prosperous basket.
They also sell dowry package:
- Dowry Sewing Box Set 嫁妆锦绣针线
- Descendant Pail Set 子孙宝桶
- Dining Set 丰衣足食碗
- Teaset 孝心茶具
- Mug Set 夫妻对杯
- Prosperity Lamp 添丁灯
- 2 pairs of Wedding Couple Slipper 夫妻同鞋
- 2 pairs of Chopstick 龙凤喜筷
- Lady Fan 玉女扇
- Xi Face Towel Set 喜字面巾
- Mini 5 Element Seeds 五谷
- Charcoal 旺炭
- Premium Dowry Bag 嫁妆袋